Tuesday, 30 November 2010

My blogging experience

In first place I like to tell us that some time ago, I had a blog where I used to write our my thoughts, or some songs lyrics, vĂ­deos, information that I considered important or just few words wich could be usefull to anyone that read it. Besides, through my blog I made important friends, whom have helped me in many situations, specially when I came to Santiago from Talca and I don't know this big city.
On the other hand the experiencie of to write in english is totally new for me, excepting these words in english that always write between words in spanish when I'm chatting. Honestly this work have been a bit hard to me, but to translate that I have in my mind to english is not a easy task, and I think not always I can express exactly all my thougths by this medium, but this problem I have whith my own lenguaje too.
Want it or not, learning English is very important today in a lot of aspects of the life, for example in the academic field, because you need it to learn about what other people is researching, being communicate with other professionals, etc.
About the course, in the beginning to integrate to the class was very difficult to me, because I study in a place so different, whit very different people too, and almost all of my classmates they knowing each other, after because the majority of them study in the Architecture Faculty and thy have the similar classes and interest.
As a conclusion, I think English in university, or, at least at mine, because is the one I care about, should be re-think with the objective of being more motivating, so students put more motivation on the study of the topic, and finally… we can all really learn the language, considering its important to our professional and maybe even daily future.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Well, well To begin this note I want to say that is very difficult to me to choose a only place to go in holydays or to know in my free time, because to travel is the funniest things in tjhe life, in fact I would traveling every time, knowing new people and places, other cultures and all of those things that the people think the anthropologist like.

I would like to be a travel writter or something like that and some company wolud have to pay me for to travel and then write my adventures in new places.

However, I rather the natural places, like mountains, lakes, national parks or whatever related to hiking and going to treking, I really love that places because when I was younger allways went with the socut to visit it, and ther I knwe de beautiful of lakes, rivers, mountains, de starry sky in the night. If I could to choose a place to go every year, I would choose the ConguillĂ­os National Park in the South of Chile, because is a Huge natural reserve whit a Big lake and full of Araucarias and birds. Is the most beautiful landscape that I've seen in my life, and I have to say that in our country there are many places like that.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Stereotypes

In the Social Sciences Faculty, there are some people that use the same clothes or they look and think very similar way. This stereoytipes are in everywhere, but in my faculty the most importants types are the Hippies, or generally called "lana" people, they wear sweaters of many colours, and the girls use skirts, necklaces, and bracelets. This people like to be in the grass of the campus drinking beer and smoking with other people, actually everybody likes to be in grass drinking and having a good time in the recess or lunch.
In the other hand, we have the dark-type people, they always wear the black clothes, and they like gotic things, scary movies and things like this. Ussualy this people not assist to the parties of capus and sometimes they are very shy persons.

I really don't like the stereotypes, I think is too bad to categorize people for them clothes , we all are people with different lives and I think that to discriminate against some people for them own likes is a bad way to live the life.